Meta, the tech giant behind Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, has announced plans to cut roughly 5% of its workforce, claiming that the measure will target underperforming employees to sharpen the company’s operational focus, the BBC reported.
CEO Mark Zuckerberg revealed the decision in a memo to staff, saying the year ahead will be “intense.”
Highlighting the importance of having top-tier talent, he said, “I’ve decided to raise the bar on performance management and move out low performers faster.” The cuts, which could include about 3,600 employees out of Meta’s 72,000-strong global workforce, are expected to come before the company’s usual performance-based reviews.
US-based employees affected by the decision will be notified by February 10, while those outside the US will receive updates later. Zuckerberg assured workers that Meta would provide “generous severance” packages for those impacted. The company plans to refill the positions in 2025 as part of its long-term workforce strategy.
The development follows a series of major layoffs at Meta in recent years. In 2023, the company eliminated 10,000 positions in what Zuckerberg dubbed the “year of efficiency.” The year before, 11,000 roles were cut in a similar effort to “streamline” operations.