Tarik Hamane, the Director General of Morocco’s National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water (ONEE), and Janne Rajpar, the Director of Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) in Morocco, signed a €50 million loan agreement on Wednesday to fund a climate-resilient drinking water supply program.
Provided through German cooperation via KfW, the loan program will secure and strengthen drinking water supplies in several urban areas in Morocco, including Ghafsai, El Hajeb, Ain Legdah, Bouderbala, Souk Lgour, and M’Haya. It will also improve the performance of drinking water supply systems in various regions of the Kingdom.
The financial support is part of a long-standing and diversified collaboration between ONEE and German partners in the drinking water sector, dating back to the early 1980s. Cooperation efforts now include establishing resilience measures for drinking water production to address climate challenges.