Morocco’s Judicial Police in Agadir, in coordination with the local Biougra police and Morocco’s Territorial Surveillance Services (DGST), arrested four individuals aged between 21 and 56 on Thursday, all allegedly with prior criminal records, on suspicion of being involved in a criminal network specializing in drug smuggling and alcohol trafficking.
The suspects were apprehended during police raids in Biougra, near Agadir, and in the rural areas of Ouad Essafa and “Tingouri” in the Souss-Massa region, according to security sources.
Police seized seven kilograms of cannabis resin, 75 kilograms of cannabis, and 30 liters of Mahia, a locally made brandy made of various fruits, along with knives and substantial sums of money believed to be from drug trafficking.
The national police (DGSN) database indicated that one of the suspects was the subject of multiple nationwide search warrants issued by both the DGSN and the gendarmerie. He is suspected of involvement in various criminal activities related to drug and alcohol trafficking without a license, as well as assault and battery.
The suspects are now in custody under the supervision of the public prosecutor’s office which is investigating the case.