The Casablanca police arrested on Saturday Jonathan Harroch, a disgraced businessman and owner of City Club, a well-known chain of fitness centers in Morocco, at the Palace Anfa hotel, for issuing several bad checks, security sources reported.
A search revealed that Harroch was allegedly in possession of an undisclosed quantity of cocaine.
The arrest follows an ongoing investigation into Harroch, who is already facing significant scrutiny due to recent allegations of misconduct.
The accusations were brought to light in May by Moroccan coaching influencer “Tata Hala,” who launched a social media campaign under the hashtag #BoycottCityClub.
Hala’s claims include physical and verbal assault, sexual harassment, tax evasion, wrongful dismissals, non-payment of salaries, and other troubling practices within the operations of City Club, which boasts over 40 facilities across the country.
Hala described Harroch as a “tyrannical” figure in the Moroccan sports sector. “Jonathan Harroch considers himself the ‘pharaoh’ of Morocco,” she claimed.
She alleged that he hires staff without compensating them, neglects workplace injuries, and resorts to physical violence against those who confront him. According to Hala, the businessman also coerced employees to provide false testimonies against alleged victims of assault.
Harroch has publicly denied the allegations, stating that City Club will fully cooperate with any investigation. He has also filed defamation lawsuits in both Morocco and France, claiming that the accusations are unfounded.
Hala, currently residing in France, said she intends to defend her claims with evidence, including recordings from alleged victims.