The European Investment Bank (EIB) has re-issued a tender, first launched in July 2024, for technical assistance in assessing the feasibility of offshore wind in Essaouira, Western Morocco
This tender is for a 24-month contract valued at 2.0 Mln Euros, aimed at providing support for the Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy (MASEN) as it carries out studies to evaluate Morocco’s offshore wind potential.
Recent studies have shown that Morocco’s Atlantic coast, where wind speeds are high and waters are shallow, is particularly suitable for fixed-bottom offshore wind development.
MASEN plans to develop its first offshore wind farm off the coast of Essaouira. The contract will involve not only the feasibility study but also complementary studies and an environmental and social impact assessment.
The relaunch of this tender comes after the initial procurement process was canceled in July 2024. MASEN’s goal is to build upon the competencies gained by the global industry to advance Morocco’s offshore wind sector.
According to the World Bank, Morocco has a “fantastic” offshore wind resource that could generate clean electricity and produce green hydrogen, helping the country avoid transmission issues and become an energy exporter.
By 2030, renewable energy could provide more than half of Morocco’s total installed capacity, reducing its reliance on energy imports.
Offshore wind will also compete with other renewable energy sources, but its proximity to population centers, ability to create long-term employment, and potential to meet renewable energy demand in nearby countries highlight its strategic importance.
The World Bank further noted that while Morocco still imports most of its energy, offshore wind could play a critical role in its future energy independence and sustainability goals.