Spain’s National Police, in collaboration with Morocco’s Territorial Surveillance Agency (DGST), arrested an individual allegedly involved with “Daesh”, on Thursday in the coastal town of Teulada, south of Spain, according to Morocco’s News Agency (MAP).
“The suspect is accused of alleged membership of a terrorist organization, recruitment, indoctrination and incitement for terrorism,” MAP reported, citing Spanish authorities.
Preliminary investigations revealed that the “extremist individual” had been allegedly involved in producing and disseminating publications supporting Daesh.
“The frequency and radical nature of these publications have increased recently,” the source added.
The suspect had also created pro-Jihadist propaganda content for public dissemination on his social media platforms. The nature of the material was not disclosed in the statement.
Spanish police sources have indicated that he was in regular contact with former convicted terrorists in Spain and Morocco, as well as with foreign terrorist fighters in the Syrian-Iraqi zone.