The first rehabilitation center dedicated exclusively to the treatment and rehabilitation of patients suffering from addiction will open on March 25 in Marrakech, announced Aly Horma, Co-Founder and CEO of center “Clinique Olive Hill.”
The Clinic does not treat general mental health disorders, and does not provide services for patients with primary psychotic behavior, said Horma in an interview with “Le Site Info.”
“The treatment approach is based exclusively on abstinence-based therapies. The fundamental principle of this approach is to give patients the tools they need to achieve and maintain abstinence. We’ve been working on this since 2019. The project has mobilized an investment of just over 60 million dirhams,” he said.
The clinic promotes rehabilitation as the central pillar of addiction treatment. Prestigious establishments such as The Priory Clinic, Betty Ford, Cottonwood, the Clinique des Alpes and the Clinique Belmont have all been referenced in the development of the Clinic.
One of the founders was a medical director for 10 years at The Priory, world-renowned for its success in the treatment of addiction. Another clinic employee spent almost 20 years as a clinical psychotherapist at the Belmont Clinic in Switzerland.
The patient’s willingness and acceptance are key ingredients in recovery. For this reason, the clinic does not admit patients by force or against their will, as only patients who are willing to undergo treatment can sustainably maintain their abstinence.
The rehabilitation center will host individuals above the age of 18 for 4-6 weeks, and it will cost 7,500 MAD per day, depending on the patient’s financial needs.
Each patient undergoes a pre-admission procedure based on his or her medical history, enabling the experts to study the patient’s specific situation and to propose a personalized therapeutic plan.
More than 70 people work at the clinic, including a number of international addiction experts, who work full-time to provide a comprehensive psychotherapeutic program and patient care.
On the medical side, a scientific committee headed by two professors and a team of highly specialized doctors oversee the programs. They are accompanied by clinical psychologists and addictologists who support the program on a daily basis, as well as by therapists.