Morocco’s King Mohammed VI congratulated Vladimir Putin following his re-election for a fifth term as President of Russia.
In a letter, the sovereign commended the Russian president for “earning the trust of the Russian people once again, wishing him success in leading the country towards further progress and prosperity.”
The king also reiterated his commitment to collaborating with Putin to enhance the strong bonds of friendship between the two countries, based on mutual respect, fruitful cooperation, and the shared desire to consolidate the strategic partnership between Morocco and Russia across various sectors for the benefit of both peoples.
Recently Morocco’s Ambassador to Moscow Lotfi Bouchaara met the Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for the Middle East and African Countries, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Mikhail Bogdanov.
The two parties discussed the ongoing development of relations between Russia and Morocco, focusing on maintaining an active political dialogue to address crises in the Middle East and North Africa in line with international law and relevant UN Security Council resolutions.