On Friday in Rabat, the Ministry of Solidarity, Social Inclusion, and Family joined forces with Al Barid Bank, the General Union of Enterprises and Professions, the Moroccan Space of Professionals, and the National Union of Merchants and Professionals, by proactively signing a partnership framework agreement to enhance the conditions of women engaged in the informal sector and those in vulnerable situations.
The inked agreement aligns with the government’s 2021-2026 agenda for women’s economic empowerment and the active fight to mitigate conditions which lead to precarious predicaments for women.
In a related statement, the Ministry highlighted its commitment to actively support this demographic in order to facilitate their seamless integration into the socioeconomic fabric.
This framework agreement, which also constitutes a portion of the implementation of the Ministry’s strategy entitled, “Bridge for Innovative and Sustainable Social Inclusion” through the “GISSR for Empowerment and Leadership” program, seeks to enable the targeted groups to carry out projects and initiatives in several focus areas.
This includes active assistance in navigating funding sources and accessing essential banking services, in addition to launching pioneering projects for the empowerment of women and the improvement of their conditions, notes the same source.