The Universal Peace Council (UPC), an international organization that primarily promotes social coexistence and peace between different communities and religions, named Zakariya Bellahrach as ambassador and representative for Morocco on Thursday.
The UPC has a long tradition of honoring and appreciating those who work for global peace, bringing together ambassadors and peace advocates from throughout the world.
Bellahrach, Morocco’s Ambassador to UPC, was chosen for his exceptional dedication to promoting peace and his longstanding efforts to build bridges between communities.
His vast experience in diplomatic and social spheres makes him an ideal choice to represent the UPC’s ideals.
In receiving the nomination, Bellahrach thanked Sheikh Qasim Badr, UPC’s President and Founder.
Bellahrach’s mission will be to raise awareness, facilitate dialogue, and promote initiatives aimed at resolving conflicts peacefully.
The UPC was founded in 2016 and serves as the umbrella organization for 15 peace organizations around the world.