A video recording from the Qatari news channel Al Jazeera just went viral, showing one of its reporters preventing a Palestinian citizen from Gaza from completing his statement about his take on the situation in Gaza. In the video, the man being interviewed placed the blame squarely on Qatar and Turkey, in particular, for pursuing their own State interests at the expense of Palestinian civilians in Gaza, and thus by default holding these two nations responsible for the disproportionate Israeli response resulting in the well-publicized torture and murder of thousands in the Gaza Strip.
The video showed the reporter taking a statement from a Palestinian citizen in Gaza–in front of the very location in which dozens of these martyrs of the Israeli shelling had lost their lives–before the reporter pushed him away with his hand and prevented him from accessing the microphone and camera, despite the fact that the reporter had sought his perspectives on the matter in the first place.
“The massacres that occur are civilian massacres that claim the lives of children and all of them are young children. We trust in God and He is the best avenger against Qatar and Turkey…” Before the interviewee was even able to complete his statement, the reporter was observed moving the microphone away from him, thereby abruptly cutting away in an attempt to prevent him from completing his statement.
The reporter subsequently claimed that he was there for a humanitarian cause.