At a ceremony held on Monday at the Mohammed VI Football Complex, the Moroccan Football Federation (FRMF) recognized Morocco’s Under-17 National Team for their outstanding achievement in qualifying for the FIFA World Cup quarterfinals that are currently being held in Indonesia from November 10 to December 2.
Captain Abdelhakim Ait Boudlal thanked King Mohammed VI for his continual support of the national football team. He also thanked Fouzi Lekjaa, the President of the FRMF, for providing the team with the resources required for success.
Coach Said Chiba praised the young athletes for their exceptional performance at the world championship and encouraged them to keep up their dedication and hard work in the hopes of eventually being called up to the senior national squad, Group A.
Although the Atlas Cubs lost 1-0 to the Eaglets of Mali late Saturday at the Manahan Stadium in Surakarta, Indonesia, FRMF Vice President Mohammed Joudar conveyed his enthusiasm for the the team and acknowledged the crucial role FRMF had played in the team’s performance in the 19th World Cup. Joudar invited the players to continue to strive for excellence, particularly in refining their skills so they can advance even further in the future.
In today’s World Cup semifinal matchups, France beat Mali 2-1, setting up a matchup with Germany for next Saturday.