22 prisoners, 12 of them women, were released on Monday from prison in Salé under the 13th “musalaha” (or reconciliation) program, General Secretary Ahmed Abbadi of the Ulema organization Rabita Mohammadia des Oulémas announced.
Since the launch of the Musalaha program in 2017, more than 300 prisoners convicted of terrorism and extremism charges have benefited from the program, added Abbadi.
Musalaha set the goal of the reconciliation with oneself through the acquisition of cognitive and behavioral skills that allow prisoners to rebuild their lives, and reconciliation with the religious text of the Quran through the correct assimilation of its teachings and spirit based on differences, tolerance, and openness.
Morocco implemented a new prisoner and prison staff strategy in 2016, with the goal of enhancing the conditions of incarceration and preparing inmates for social and economic integration after their release.
The ‘reconciliation’ initiative is designed to combat extremism through religious instruction, psychological assistance, and the promotion of a human rights culture.