A recent survey done by Ipsos, a major research agency commissioned by various institutions to conduct research projects, revealed a striking divergence in the French population’s view of France’s future: 70% said they were pessimistic about it. This mood contrasted sharply with how they view their personal futures: 60% said they were optimistic.
The study, which polled 1,256 participants aged 18 and above, indicated that personal finances were the top concern for individuals, with 40% citing purchasing power as a big factor. Anxiety was more prevalent among single-parent families, with 58% expressing concern.
37% said they were worried about health, both personal and that of their loved ones. Environmental issues, incivility, and crime rounded out the top three concerns, each with 32%.
Remarkably, employment and unemployment problems, while ranking at just 13% overall, were the fourth most pressing issues among people in France’s overseas territories, equaling concerns over the nation’s economic and financial status.
When asked what issues worried them the most in France as a whole, 38% of the French respondents ranked incivility and crime as their top concern, followed by purchasing power at 34%.
Notably, the survey found that social tensions and civil unrest in France were a source of worry for 13% of respondents nationwide. This concern increased to 19% for residents of Paris and its suburbs.
The issue of social inequality in France is seen as particularly significant, impacting access to employment, higher education, healthcare, and public services.
The survey found that between 60% and 67% of participants believed that inequalities related to location of residence, geographic origin, skin color, or gender was indeed important in France.
To combat inequality, the French give priority to raising awareness (25%) and education (17%), far ahead of changing migration policy (5%).
The poll revealed that while French citizens have a generally pretty gloomy view of their country’s future, with only 29% optimistic; most are more confident about their own futures.