Morocco’s Territory Surveillance (DGST) warned German intelligence services in sufficient time that a German-Egyptian Islamist extremist by the name of Tarik S.S had been preparing a would-be, large-scale terrorist attack on October 4 in Essen, western Germany.
Moroccan security services reported this suspect, age 29, to their German counterparts. He was living in Duisburg and was a former ISIS fighter in Syria and Iraq. The named had allegedly been planning to bloody Germany in the name of this terrorist organization.
The suspect was planning to carry out a number of attacks, including a truck attack in Germany.
The Moroccan intelligence services had been continuously alerting their German counterparts of a potential terrorist threat to Germany throughout September and October, before transmitting the identity and profile of the German-Egyptian terrorist and sending them the accused’s personal data, details, and photographs.
Morocco’s security services–especially internal and external intelligence–led by Abdellatif Hammouchi and Mohamed Yassine Mansouri, once again demonstrated their skill and strength both inside and outside Morocco by contributing to the frustration of multiple potential terrorist operations before their execution.
Head of National Police (DGSN) and of Territory Surveillance (DGST) Abdellatif Hammouchi had received, last April in Rabat, Director of the Federal Office of the Protection of the Constitution (BFV- intelligence services) Thomas Haldenwang and his advisors.