The Institute of International Finance (IIF) confirmed it will hold its Annual Membership Meeting (AMM) in Marrakech as scheduled from October 12 to 14, 2023, following lead of the World Bank (WB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF), according to an IIF news release issued Monday.
After the WB and IMF removed any doubt about whether their large-scale international conference would go forward in Marrakech following the devastating earthquake that shook the city and its surroundings nearly three weeks ago, causing the death of around 3,000 people and injuries to more than 5,600, IIF is following suit citing the WB/IMF decision.
“The IMF/World Bank have announced that after assessing the situation on the ground in Marrakech, they will proceed . . . as planned. Accordingly, the Institute of International Finance (IIF) will proceed to hold our IIF Annual Membership Meeting (AMM) as well,” announced IIF.
According to the Institute, the three-day program is an opportunity to bring together its international membership “in a market that is undergoing transformation,” to network with peers and clients and hear from some of “the most inspiring thought leaders in the financial services sector.”
Announced speakers are global and regional leaders, including CEOs and chairs of important financial institutions. In addition to the IIF’s signature sessions, “Views from the C-Suite” and “In Conversation with Policymakers,” the annual meeting will feature panels on important topics affecting international markets and the global economy.
The institution expressed its condolences to earthquake victims, saying “Our hearts go out to the victims and families impacted by the devastating earthquake in Morocco.” It encouraged people to “donate to reputable organizations.”