Mohammed V University of Rabat (UM5) won 5 gold medals and 13 innovation masters awards at the World Creativity & InnovationWeek (IWA 2023), which took place on September 16 in Las Vegas, announced the University in a press release, according to the Moroccan News Agency (MAP).
The awards were received by Professor Hassan Ammor, head of the Mohammadia School of Engineering (EMI), along with his team of innovation collaborators, which consisted of Samiya Qanoune, Zakaria Er-reguig, Jalal Baayer, Mohammed Marouane Saim, Mohamed Alami, and Mouna Khadiri.
They received awards for their creative endeavors titled “Invention of a pioneering Moroccan scanner by radio frequency for the detection of breast cancer” as well as “Invention of an Original Tetra-Generations Patch Antenna for the New Generation of Mobile Telephony Minimizing the Thermal Effect of GSM on the Human Head and Hand,“ among others.
The event, which was organized by the innovation incubator OFEED and backed by the International Federation of Invention Associations (IFIA), drew participants from 19 countries and regions.
According to the university, 48 teams were nominated for the grand prize, and 636 awards and 144 innovation masters prizes were awarded.