Morocco’s national telecommunications company “Maroc Telecom” announced on Thursday that it will donate 700 million MAD to Bank Al-Maghrib’s (BAM) Special Fund No. 126, created to receive donations to provide disaster relief to victims of the 6.8 magnitude earthquake that hit Morocco two weeks ago today.
“The recent earthquake that shook several regions of the Kingdom has had a devastating impact, leaving many citizens in difficult conditions,” Maroc Telecom stated in a press release. “Faced with this emergency situation, all our teams in the field were mobilized from the very first hours, and a special response mechanism was put in place to ensure continuity of services and restore communications in the affected areas.”
It added that the company’s donation reflects the Group’s commitment to the spirit of citizenship and its desire to support reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts, and it will be supplemented by contributions from Maroc Telecom’s employees.
BAM called for donations on September 10 to support the Special Fund, and numerous Moroccan national institutions have now committed funds to help with earthquake relief.