On Tuesday, King Mohammed VI visited victims who were admitted to the Marrakech University Hospital for sustaining injuries due to the powerful earthquake that hit the central regions of Morocco. The natural disaster has claimed so far 2,904 lives and caused substantial damage.
The Monarch visited intensive care units and wards for hospitalization to check on the injured. The medical team gave the King details about the patients’ health condition as well as the health care provided for them.
Some 2,171 injured victims were admitted to the different hospitals in the Marrakech-Safi region, including 484 critically-wounded people. 248 individuals are still hospitalized as a result.
The King chose to make a blood donation in solidarity with the victims and the bereaved families.
The King had cut short a private visit to France, on Saturday, and returned to Morocco to convene an emergency meeting focused on assessing the damage that the region had suffered.
He had ordered the urgent deployment of important human and logistical resources, the setting up of a medical-surgical field hospital for onsite medical care, and the opening of a special account with the Treasury and the central bank (Bank Al Maghrib) for collecting funds.