Morocco’s Central Bank, Bank Al-Maghrib (BAM), called for donations on Sunday to support the Special Fund No. 126, established to address the aftermath of the earthquake that struck large swathes of the Kingdom of Morocco on Friday.
Two parliamentary finance committees are holding a joint meeting with the Treasury today to agree upon the protocols and procedures for managing the special bank account, including the procedures that will govern the account’s distribution of the funds for disaster relief.
Donations can be made within Morocco at BAM’s branches and agencies, as well as at branches of the Kingdom’s General Treasury and collections.
Donations can also be sent by wire transfer via commercial bank branches to the Treasury account using the following RIB: 001 810 00 780 002 011 062 03 18 for standard or instant bank transfers, cash donations, or checks.
Contributions from abroad can be sent to the Treasury account: IBAN MA64 001 810 00 780 002 011 062 03 18, using SWIFT number BKAMMAMR.
Special Fund No. 126 is part of Morocco’s intensive national effort to address the damage caused by the 7.0-magnitude earthquake that is thought to have already affected more than 300,000 people, leaving thousands now homeless.