Algeria’s Interior Ministry agreed to repatriate the body of Abdelali Mchiouer to Morocco, 10 days after his death, according to the family lawyers of the deceased.
Michiouer was among the four tourists that the Algerian Coast Guard shot last Tuesday when they accidentally crossed the maritime border between Morocco and Algeria on their jet skis near Saidia beach.
The lawyers spoke with the Algerian Ministry of the Interior, which reassured the family of the deceased by referring them to contacts at the Wilaya of Tlemcen. There, the family will have to produce a consular pass proving that the body will be accepted in Morocco.
Once on site, the attorneys and the deceased’s family will have to complete the administrative paperwork to ensure formal identification of the body, medical confirmation of death, and the absence of any legal obstacle to the handover.
They mentioned that one of their team members is currently in Tlemcen, Algeria, taking care of the paperwork, and trying to cooperate with the Algerian authorities to speed up the process of repatriating the body.
The attorneys denied the rumors concerning the Algerian authorities’ request for a large sum of money to repatriate Mchiouer’s body to Morocco.