Exports of fresh raspberries from Morocco to the UK have soared in just three years to 15,800 tons as of MY 2022/23 (July-June), or 40 times previous levels, reaping Morocco $86 million in revenue, according to data analytics platform “EastFruit.” Morocco has now become the leading supplier of fresh raspberries to the UK market.
While Moroccan raspberry exports were zero in MY 2017/18 and were only available after that in extremely small quantities, Brexit changed everything as UK importers searched for supplies outside Europe.
Imports of Moroccan raspberries into the UK reached 55% in MY 2022/23, up from 1.5% of total fresh raspberry imports in the UK three years earlier.
Spain’s exports to the UK have fallen by 40% over the past five seasons.
Morocco has almost quintupled its overall fresh raspberry exports over the past six seasons, exporting more than 60,000 tons of fresh raspberries in the MY 2022/23.
In 2022, Morocco ranked the third largest fresh raspberry exporter in the world, up from sixth in 2017.
Fresh raspberries are Morocco’s third largest export category after tomatoes and mandarines in terms of export revenues, which totaled $340 mln in the MY 2022/23.
Finally, the UK was the leading importer of fresh raspberries from Morocco in MY 2022/23, accounting for 25% of Morocco’s total exports.