The number of counterfeit banknotes detected amounted to 7,090, worth 960,000 MAD, with the 200-dirham denomination accounting for 52% of the total, according to the 2022 report of Bank Al-Maghrib (Central Bank).
The report pointed out that counterfeiting has continued to decline, with 2.9 counterfeit banknotes for every million in circulation, down from 3.3 in 2021.
Along with 73,000 firearms licenses, the Bank also created and distributed 2 million biometric passports, 2.4 million electronic licenses and registration certificates, 37 million tax stickers, and stamps for other government agencies.
Banknote circulation climbed by 10% in 2022 to reach a value of 372 billion MAD after slowing again in 2021. Bank notes climbed by 9.3% to 2.5 billion, or 368 billion MAD, when broken down by type of money, while metallic coins increased by 3.1% to 3.1 billion, or 4 billion MAD. The 200 MAD denomination continued to dominate the structure of banknotes and coins in circulation, with a 56% share for banknotes and 29% for coins, respectively.