Among the 294 farmers that took part in the survey conducted by the Moroccan Center for Citizenship, only 24 reported receiving government subsidies under the Moroccan Green Plan (MGP), equating a rate of only 8.2%.
90% of respondents were dissatisfied with the MGP, voicing their doubt that the initiative had an impact on food security in the country.
The survey covered a sample of 4 864 people from across Morocco, representing all age groups and regions.
89.3% of the polled people said they are generally dissatisfied with the Plan. 94.2% believe that the strategy was unable to reduce agricultural products’ prices, while 86.8% said that it did not improve rural living conditions.
83.7% of participants stressed that the program has failed in improving national food security, while 72.7% believe that the program has failed to support young people in developing agricultural projects.
According to 93.9% of the participants, the main beneficiaries of the MGP were big farming entrepreneurs. 88.4% believe the program is primarily focused on exports.
87.3% of respondents expressed dissatisfaction with the level of communication provided by the Ministry of agriculture regarding the MGP, while 91.5% said the Parliament had no role in the Plan’s monitoring and evaluation.