Over 2.4 million self-employed workers registered with Compulsory Health Insurance (AMO) throughout the past 18 months, said Minister of Employment Younes Sekkouri.
In a speech celebrating the May 1 holiday, the Minister pointed out that an additional 340,000 members of self-employed workers’ families also registered with AMO, in concluding that a total of 2.74 million working and non-working beneficiaries of this program were added within this time frame.
Furthermore, 3.76 million beneficiaries were registered under AMO Tadamon, the costs of which (approximately 10 billion MAD per year) are incurred by the Kingdom of Morocco. The number of its beneficiaries reached almost six million people.
The Minister is quoted as saying, “The cost for the employee, his wife, and his children are fixed from 100 MAD,” and pointed out that the sum covered in some cases in favor of the beneficiary reached 1.3 million MAD for a single operation.
“Thanks to the agreement concluded the day before May 1, 2022, the parties have undertaken to meet to examine the problems posed in a periodic, responsible, and regular manner to find solutions”, added Sekkouri.
He also emphasized that the government is also determined to strengthen solidarity between the different components of the Moroccan people (i.e., socioeconomic classes), and to strengthen Morocco’s stature within the world community.