Qatari channel Al-Jazeera revealed, on Friday, that French President Emmanuel Macron had received funds from Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, the son of late Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi.
The TV show called “The Tip of the Iceberg” investigated Russian “Maxim Al-Shugali” and the details of his arrest in Libya in 2019, as well as his suspicious relationship with Saif al-Islam Gaddafi.
The show revealed that Saif al-Islam Gaddafi possessed information and evidence that incriminate well-known leaders and politicians in France, the USA, and Ukraine.
Al-Shugali affirmed that Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi admitted having concrete evidence that former French President Nicolas Sarkozy received funds from Muammar Gaddafi and that he had a connection with the investigating judge in France.
According to Saif al-Islam, Macron received in 2017, with the help of Sarkozy, Libyan funding through Algerian intermediaries to finance his presidential campaign.
The information unveils how deep Macron is mired in corruption, and recalls the case of Sarkozy who was sentenced by the French judiciary to one year in prison after the scandal of the illegal financing of his 2012 election campaign.
The question that arises now is will the European Parliament deal with Macron’s disgrace as it did with the so-called “Qatar Gate”, since the MEPs arrested over bribery were only doing what Macron had already done.