“The Driver” or “Chiffora” movie, directed by Mehdi Ayouch, will represent Morocco at the 24th Ismailia International Festival for Documentaries and Short Films, which is slated for Mar. 14-20.
The festival will feature films representing about thirty countries, including Morocco.
The movies will compete in four categories, including the feature documentary category which includes 13 films and 11 short documentaries, such as “Chiffora”.
“Chiffora” is a Moroccan-Norwegian co-production that tells the story of a Moroccan woman who drives a bus and suffers from a patriarchal society that deems men the only good fit for the job.
The jury includes Magid Movatsigye (Switzerland), Cecile Tulipolonsky (Germany), Koenig Hawally (Cuba), and Miss Darwazeh (Jordan).
Germany will be honored as the festival’s 24th guest of honor.