Following the devastating earthquake that struck Türkiye and Syria Monday, the embassies of Morocco in Ankara and Damascus set up crisis units and provided the following phone numbers for the Moroccan community in both countries:
Suite au séisme dévastateur qui a frappé aujourd'hui la Türkiye et la Syrie, les Ambassades du Royaume du Maroc à Ankara et à Damas ont mis en place des cellules de crise et des numéros de téléphone à la disposition de la communauté marocaine dans les deux pays en cas de besoin.
— Maroc Diplomatie 🇲🇦 (@MarocDiplomatie) February 6, 2023
The Moroccan embassy in Türkiye presented its condolences to the country following the powerful 7.8-magnitude earthquake that hit southern Turkiye and northern Syria early Monday.
The quakes toppled buildings and killed nearly 1,600 people at least, 641 of whom in Turkiye. Hundreds are injured and more are believed to be trapped under the rubble.
The toll is expected to rise as rescue workers are combing through the region. Syria’s health ministry said that more than 326 people were killed and 1,042 injured.