Moroccan Singer Mohamed El-Ghaoui, aged 67, died Saturday in Rabat due to a cerebral hemorrhage, according to his family.
The departed, born in Salé in 1956, was a pioneer of Moroccan music with a vast repertoire of approximately 80 songs.
El-Ghaoui, graduate of the Mawahib (Talents) School, was mentored by late Abdenbi El-Jirari and had joined the group “Ajyal”. The song “Lghorba o Lâachq Lgadi,” heralded his promising and remarkable career.
The deceased participated in many epics, including the one in three parts written by artist Mohamed Hassan Al-Joundy and presented at the Cairo Opera (Malhamat al-Ahd).
The singer did also some acting in series such as “Radia” and “Aswat Al-Madina”.