Morocco’s Personal Data Protection Committee (CNDP) said, on Friday, that it would take the necessary actions regarding a possible leak of personal data on the “” website of the Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation.
The CNDP, chaired by Omar Seghrouchni, was informed through a local e-paper that data of 50,000 high school diploma holders was leaked, a fact that expose the Ministry of Higher Education to sanctions.
A press release by the CNDP said that the body held an emergency meeting with representatives of the said Ministry which is in charge of processing the personal data on the website.
The same source added that it was not notified of the data processing operation undertaken by the ministry, which is a violation of Law 09-08 leading to a fine of 10,000 MAD to 100,000 MAD.
The CNDP would continue its inquiry into these alleged irregularities and take the appropriate actions.