Spain’s Defense Minister Margarita Robles said, on Tuesday, that the report by the European Parliament on the spying scandal using Pegasus “is based on pure speculations” stating “the personal opinion” of a MEP.
“We are not talking about a preliminary report, we even ignore the existence of this project because it is based on pure speculations, and on data provided by one party that did not abide by the procedure of the Parliament,” said the Minister during a plenary session of the Senate.
Robles was answering questions by senators Josep Maria Cervera (Junts) and Sara Bailac (ERC) on the government’s assessment of the preliminary report by the Parliament’s fact-finding committee on the usage of Pegasus and other spyware. The report was penned by the Dutch liberal MEP Sophie in ‘t Veld.
“Out of respect for the parliamentary procedure, I am not going to comment on the personal opinion of an MEP,” noted the official who stressed that the government always acts within the law.