The National Police issued its 45th magazine, published in French and Arabic, and entitled “A Relentless Fight against Illegal Psychotropic Drugs Trafficking”.
The magazine commended the openness of the National Police Body (DGSN) by adopting an integrated and multi-faceted approach to combat psychotropic drugs’ consumption, smuggling, and trafficking.
The magazine’s editorial also emphasized that, in addition to efforts to quash this type of trafficking, the DGSN’s plan includes awareness-raising and partnership initiatives, given that the fight against the trafficking of psychotropic substances is as important as the fight against terrorism and organized crime.
The magazine underlined that, between 2010 and 2022, the police dealt with over 50,288 cases related to psychotropic drugs, by arresting 59,171 people, including 55 foreigners, and seizing over 8 million psychotropic pills.
It also underscored the role of criminal investigations as an effective mechanism for combating the illegal substance, recalling the joint security operations carried out by the police over the past few years to combat this scourge and protect young people and children from drug dealers.
The magazine noted that, since 2021, around 4,865 operations were conducted on the national territory and helped catch 5,933 traffickers, and seize 1,456,025 psychotropic pills.
It also touched on awareness-raising campaigns inside schools to immunize young people against this danger.