On the 25th of October, several deputies of the Irish Parliament Republic, either from the majority (Fine Gael part), or the opposition (Sinn Fein and independent) sent some written questions to Foreign Minister Simon Coveney, about the Human Rights situation in Algeria, especially the kidnapping of the sibling of an Irish citizen and urged their return.
The foreign minister stated that he, like several employees in his department, had lately received emails about this human rights situation and the detention of Irish citizens in Algeria. And knew that other Oireachtas members have also received details of this case and are concerned about the issues raised.
Upholding Human rights is central to Ireland’s foreign policy, said the Minister, noting that Human rights defenders, in particular, are the main focus of Ireland’s foreign policy, as well as in the country’s bilateral, EU, and UN multilateral ties, including the United Nations Security Council.
[bs-quote quote=”We condemn in the strongest possible terms all acts of intimidation or reprisal against those who seek to engage with the United Nations on human rights” style=”default” align=”left” color=”” author_name=”Simon Coveney” author_job=”Minister for Foreign Affairs and Defence” author_avatar=”” author_link=””][/bs-quote]
Coveney also stated that Ireland is a member of the Human Rights Council’s core groups on reprisals and civil society space. And that the Irish Republic is committed to maintaining a secure and empowering environment for civil society and human rights defenders. He said that he fully believes in the freedom of everyone, individually and collectively, to freely access, interact, and communicate with international organizations, including the United Nations, its representatives, and human rights mechanisms.
The minister stated that he had carefully examined the details provided on this matter and had instructed his officials with preparing answers to the parties concerned. He also took note of the opinions expressed by the UN Human Rights Committee in communication No. 2924/2016.