According to the Social and Media Studies Institute’s new survey, 80% percent of Morocco’s doctoral degree (Ph.D.) holders do not trust the mechanisms of selecting assistant professors at Moroccan universities.
The results of the survey conducted by the Social and Media Studies Institute on “Confidence in employment in higher education in Morocco”, indicated that only 5.0% percent of those covered expressed confidence in the criteria and method adopted for the selection of professors at universities in the Kingdom.
Regarding the extent to which the criteria set out in the Ministry of Higher Education’s periodic selection of candidates for this year were respected, 73.3% percent of the respondents answered “no”, while 20.0% of them said they didn’t know anything about it.
As claimed by the aforementioned institute, the first phase of this survey began last May, where a series of oral interviews were held with a number of actors/performers in the higher education sector (students, administrators, university professors, graduate doctors), while the second phase, based on the results of the oral interviews, the questionnaire questions were drafted and presented to a sample of doctoral holders, of which 360 doctors responded.
The poll included 14 Moroccan universities, “Sidi Mohamed bin Abdullah University (19.7% percent), Ibn Zohr University (16.9% percent), Abdelmalek Saadi University (13.1% percent), Mohammed V University (4.7% percent), Chouaib Doukkali University (10.3% percent), along with other universities.
Scientific disciplines accounted for the largest proportion of disciplines surveyed with 28.1% percent, legal disciplines ranked second at 26.4% percent, and literary disciplines were third at 20.6% percent.