The central bank headquarters in Rabat witnessed the signing of an agreement on Wednesday between The General Directorate for National Security, the National Commission for Controlling the Protection of Personal Data (CNDP), and the Professional Group of Moroccan Banks, this agreement Framework the parties’ cooperation on signed an agreement about the Presentation and use of the trusted national third-party identification platform developed by the Directorate General of National Security.
According to Joint Statement, this platform allows the banking sector to verify the identity of natural persons wishing access banking services both in person and remotely, and make their Personal Data more reliable, adding that the platform naturally promotes the digitization of banking services and the development of technological innovations in the banking sector for the benefit of citizens.
In parallel, the national trusted third-party platform enables banking sector actors to secure their operations against the risk of fraud through identity theft and money laundering, while respecting personal data protection standards.
The Joint Statement clarified that the Convention provides for the establishment of a tracking committee, and noted that the Convention provided for the establishment of a tracking committee composed of representatives of signatory Parties to ensure its implementation.
The multilateral agreement was signed by Abdelatif El Hammouchi the Director-General of National Security and Territorial Surveillance, Omar Seghrouchni, Chairman of the National Committee for the Protection of Personal Data, Abdellatif Jouahri the Governor of central bank of Morocco ( Bank Al-Maghrib), and Osman Benjelloun head of the Moroccan banks’ professional group.