Marrakesh police arrested a 57-year-old French citizen on Friday evening, subject to an international arrest warrant issued by French judicial authorities, suspected of being involved in criminal gang activities operating in swindling and bank fraud.
A security source said the suspect was arrested while carrying out administrative procedures related to his residency in Morocco. The Interpol databases revealed that he was the subject of a red notice on the assumption that he was involved in a case of violation of the law at the bank where he worked by associating with the granting of unpaid bank loans to his accomplices in this criminal activity.
The source added that the suspect was placed in custody by the competent prosecutor’s order, following national legislation and international conventions, under the procedures required by the extradition procedure.
The arrest of this foreign national is part of the active and effective participation of The General Directorate for National Security (DGSN) in bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the security fields, especially concerning the search and prosecution of persons wanted internationally in transnational crime.