In his opening speech at the Global Congress on Chemical Security and Emerging Threats, Greg Hinds, Director of Counterterrorism in Interpol, stated that the conference “is unique in bringing together a wide variety of competencies, approaches, and experience to advance practical solutions in support of chemical security.”
Not missing to thank Mohammed Dkhissi, Director of Judicial Police, for his support and cooperation with Interpol, especially under his leadership regarding counterterrorism. In addition to extending his “most sincere appreciation and gratitude to the Kingdom of Morocco, for hosting our event in beautiful Marrakech this week.”
He declared that while this is the third meeting of this conference, it is “the first one since the COVID-19 pandemic, the first to be held outside of INTERPOL’s General Secretariat in Lyon, and the first meeting since we established the valuable Industry Advisory Group and Steering Committee.”
Hinds also recalled that it is the first time call for abstracts process was implemented which allows ensuring that the Global Congress Network is “sharing the most pertinent and up-to-date knowledge and resources on the key threats and trends to chemical security.”
The Interpol Counterterrorism Director evoked the devastating impact of chemical weapons and explosives used in terrorism saying that “identifying vulnerabilities in supply chains for chemical precursors and components, and establishing best practices for addressing these issues will enable us to preempt and prevent the misuse of chemical precursors thereby saving lives and making the world a safer place.”
He mentioned Interpol’s efforts in this matter with the support it gives to member countries to counter the use of chemicals in terrorist incidents, projects like the Watchmaker database, and INTERPOL Notices and diffusions on individuals manufacturing or using chemical weapons and improvised explosive devices.
Hinds stated that “the launch of an awareness video created by INTERPOL for the international community, showing the importance of identifying, examining and preventing vulnerabilities in the chemical supply chain, and highlighting the need for multiagency cooperation to share knowledge and expertise, and identify solutions” will take place during this conference.