The Association of Fathers and Mothers of Moroccan Students in Ukraine expressed its rejection and denunciation of the statement of the Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation, issued before the Committee of Education, Culture and Communication in the House of Representatives, in which he said that students returning from Ukraine have a low educational level.
The Associaton invited all families of Moroccan students in Ukraine to participate in protests that will be organized in front of the Parliament on October 27th. The Association went on to say that the statement also insults the relationship between Morocco and Ukraine, especially since it coincides with the appointment of an official ambassador in the Kingdom. They also warned of the repercussions of this statement as it belittles and challenges the competence of Ukraine and its faculty.
The statement also condemned the Minister’s statement as one of bullying and discrimination against a large segment of the population and considered it psychological violence against students who suffered from the scourge of war and its consequences.
The Association stated that it considered the entry examination exclusionary and discriminatory from the outset and not a criterion of excellence and high standards because it was determined by demand rather than supply. Most of the students boycotted the examination because they were convinced of the absence of credibility, integrity, unfair conditions, and mistrust of the ministry, which did not fulfill its promises.