Hichem Aboud, a renowned Algerian journalist and political activist, reported on Sofiane Nezzar’s Facebook posts about his father Khaled Nezzar, the notorious Algerian general. In these posts, he accuses him of murdering his mother and describes him as a criminal. Adding that her assassination was covered by his (referring to Khaled Nezzar) group of criminals.
To prove the authenticity of these posts, the journalist stated that Nezzar’s son posted an unpublished picture of his parents. Moreover, this sparked the anger of Lotfi Nezzar, Sofian’s brother, who lives in Spain with his father.
Sofiane Nezzar responded to his brother Lotfi calling him a “neo-colon” and the person who got rid of his mother’s corpse after her assasination to Ain Naadja with his accomplices.
Sofiane Nezzar also posted about how he lives in his mother’s home and he intends to raise his daughters there, refusing to live with his brother.
Hichem Aboud states that today Khaled Nezzar is getting punished for his crimes against the Algerian people by his own son. Adding that the Algerian general, who was Minister of Defense during Algeria’s black decade, has repeatedly stated that Sofiane was mentally disturbed, presumably to undermine his claims.
Aboud, who got political asylum in France in 1997, caused protests in Algeria, with protestors repeatedly chanted that “Hicham Aboud, [is a] free journalist” following charges pressed against him by Algeria.