Sadiq Al-Rawi, Secretary General of the National Education Union affiliated with the Democratic Federation of Labor, revealed to that the series of the social dialogue with the Ministry of National Education, Preschool and Sports has reached very advanced levels following the positive developments taking place.
Al-Rawi stated that “they are convening for five days concerning the social dialogue with the Ministry of National Education in order to finalize an agreed upon formula regarding the basic system for educators by the end of September.” The spokesman added, “this system includes major and complex issues that require a long time”, noting that the unions “are in agreement with the ministry regarding the main lines of this system, but there are some differences that need to be reconsidered.”
In this regard, Al-Rawi stressed that “it was agreed to cancel 12 regional academies of education and training systems, in order to establish a unified system that comprises all the teachers of the national education sector, including the contractual ones, a demand that has been on the table since 2016.”
As for the contractual teachers’ issue, the same source highlighted that “it was also agreed with the Ministry of National Education, Preschool and Sports, headed by Minister Chakib Benmoussa, to transfer the contractual teachers’ wages from the academies’ equipment budget to the regional treasury of the General Treasury of the Kingdom,” adding that “these teachers will benefit from the Moroccan Retirement Fund”.